美国协办单位:北美华人华裔寻根协会 Xungen Association of Chinese-Americans, Inc.
参与对象:年龄在12-18岁之间,身体健 康的海外华裔青少年。
联系人:Ana Yee 查询电话:1-347-509-7188(New York City) 电邮
Fujian Quanzhou Quangang Winter Camp (30 ppl, 12-20 yrs old, $350, from 2017-12-23 to 2018-1-1)
Online Registration Here于此先做网上登记并andDownload the Registration Materials于此下载报名资料 (in pdf)
A. 福建福州营,40人。营员年龄:12 ~23岁。$350。营期:国内时间 07/09/17 ~ 07/22/17
(Fujian Fuzhou camp,including Wuyi Mountain tour and Chinese cultural immersion workshops / 40 ppl, 12-23 yrs old, fee $350, from July 9 to 22)
B. 福建泉州鲤城营,25人。营员年龄:12 ~23岁。$350。营期:国内时间:07/06/17 ~ 07/17/17
(Fujian Licheng camp, including local tours and Chinese cultural immersion workshops / 25 ppl, 12-18 yrs old, fee $350, from July 6 to 17)
C. 福建泉州惠安营,35人。营员年龄:12 ~23岁。$350。营期:国内时间:07/04/17 ~ 07/17/17
(Fujian HuiAn camp, including Xiamen and Zhangzhou tours, and Chinese cultural immersion workshops / 35 ppl, 12-23 yrs old, from July 4 to 17)
D. 武夷山朱子之路营,30人。营员年龄:12 ~23岁。$350。营期:国内时间:08/06/17 ~ 08/16/17
(Wuyi Mountain camp, including Wuyi Mountain tour and local tours, and Chinese cultural immersion workshops / 30 ppl, 12-23 yrs old, fee $350,
from Aug. 6 to 16)
E. 北京朝阳营,11人。营员年龄:14 ~18岁。$350+$45(押金)。营期:国内时间 07/03/17 ~ 07/16/17
(Beijing Chaoyang camp, including the Great Wall tour and local tours, and Chinese cultural immersion workshops / 10 ppl, 14-18 yrs old, fee $350
plus $45 attendance deposit, from July 3 to 16)
F. 黑龙江哈尔滨营,15人。营员年龄:12 ~18岁。$350+$45(押金)。营期:国内时间:07/16/17 ~ 07/29/17
(Heilongjiang Harbin camp, 15 ppl, 12-18 yrs old, fee $350 plus $45 attendance deposit, from July 16 to 29)
G. 河南营,35人。营员年龄:12 ~18岁。$350+$45(押金)。营期:国内时间 07/20/17 ~ 08/03/17
(HeNan camp, including Song Mountain and Shaolin Temple tours, plus 4-day kongfu lessons and Chinese cultural immersion workshops / 40 ppl,
12-18 yrs old, fee $350 plus $45 attendance deposit, fr. July 20 to Aug.3)
H. 江苏无锡江阴营,30人。营员年龄:12 ~22岁。$350。营期:国内时间 07/13/17 ~ 07/26/17
(Jiangsu Wuxi JIangyin camp, including local tours and Chinese cultural immersion workshops / 30 ppl, 14-22 yrs old, fee $350, from July 13 to 26)
I. 内蒙古营,20人。营员年龄:12 ~22岁。$350。营期:国内时间 07/18/17 ~ 07/27/17
(Inner Mongolia camp, including Hohhot city, DaZhao Temple, Xila Muren Prairie, BaoTou city, Sayhan Tara Prairie, Ordos city, Genghis Khan tomb,
Whistling Dune Bay, and Chinese cultural immersion workshops / 20 ppl,12-22 yrs old, fee $350 , fr. July 18 to July 27)
J. 北京丰台营,13人。营员年龄:13 ~18岁。$350+$45(押金)。营期:国内时间 07/08/17 ~ 07/21/17
(Beijing Fengtai camp, including the Great Wall tour and local tours, and Chinese cultural immersion workshops / 13-18 yrs old, fee $350 plus $45
attendance deposit, from July 8 to 21)
K. 北京青年志愿者营(活动介绍)16人。营员年龄:18 ~26岁。$100。营期:国内时间 07/11/17 ~ 07/20/17(必须) + 07/20/17 ~
(Beijing College Student Volunteering camp, click to see camp description / 18-26 yrs old, fee $100, from July 11 to 20 plus optional July 20 to 26)
The fee includes all food/hotel/local transportation during the camp.
Camper pays for the flight/train tickets between his/her departure city and the camp location.
We will arrange camp leaders/chaperons to fly round-trip with our campers from NYC and some other cities (if needed).
免费招待符合条件家长参加旅游。点击下载家长旅游申请表Click here to download the registration form
Parents and relatives can take advantage of the free tour offers.
本承办单位特为家长计划了十二个可选的中国国内免费旅游行程(twelve free tour choices within China offered to campers' parents and relatives),住宿(5星级宾馆5-star hotel, double room)、饮食(food)、及当地交通(local transportation)全免费(all included; some restrictions may apply如果家长住单房,自付差价。 注:12周岁以下的孩子必须自费),小费和景点门票自费(登记时预付prepay tips and entrance tickets for the tourist attractions upon registration)。家长们可以携孩子们在开营前或闭营后参加,也可以在孩子们的夏令营期间放松地游玩,或者选任何有发团日期的参加,不限在夏令营期间。每位家长可选两个行程(每团有不同的发团日期various departure dates):
1. 张家界凤凰7/11日游: 凤凰古城,天门山,金鞭溪,张家界大峡谷,等/长江三峡
HuNan Zhangjiajie National Park / Yangtze River (Three Gorges) cruise
2. 新江南水乡美食7日游:上海Shanghai,杭州Hangzhou,南京Nanjing,无锡Wuxi,苏州Suzhou
3. 七彩云南7/8日游: 大理古城Dali Old Town,丽江Li river,白族民居Bai traditional courtyard houses,玉龙雪山Yulong Snow Mountain, etc. 等/石林Stone Forest
4. 世外桃源香格里拉8/9日游: 玉龙雪山Yulong Snow Mountain,转经筒Prayer Wheel,虎跳峡Tiger-Leaping Gorge,丽江古城Lijiang Old Town, etc.等/石林Stone Forest
5. 传奇九寨沟八日游: 长江游轮Yangtze River cruise,三峡Three Gorges,乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha,峨眉山Mt. E'mei,大熊猫giant panda,九寨沟9-Village Valley,黄龙Huang Long
6/7/8/9. 皇家气派北京(承德/天津) 5日/6日/7日/8日游: 天安门Tian'anmen Square,故宫博物院The Palace Museum,长城The Great Wall,鸟巢Bird's Nest (Beijing National Stadium),水立方The Water Cube (Beijing National Aquatics Centre),秀水街(Xiushui Street, the shopping strip),etc.等/承德Chengde,天津Tianjin
10. 武夷山厦门7日游: 武夷山Mt. Wuyi,龙川大峡谷Longchuan Great Valley,环岛路Coastline Drive,普陀寺Putuo Temple,永定土楼Yongding Clay Buildings,五缘湾湿地公园Wuyuan Bay Wetland Park
11. 桂林山水6日游: 龙胜梯田Longsheng Terrace,瑶族村寨Yao villages,漓江Li river,兴坪古镇Xingping Old town,阳朔Yangshuo,月亮湾Moon Bay
12. 珠江6日游:宝墨园Baomo Garden,华侨博物馆Guangdong Overseas Chinese Museum,星光公园Starlight Park,石景山Shijing Hill,滨州塔Binzhou Tower,月光宝盒大佛寺 Grand Buddha Temple,珠江夜景Nightview Zhu river